Saturday, December 29, 2012

Write on with your Good Self!

Oh my goodness, I thank the universe that December is almost over.  What a month!  I need a vacation.  Better yet, isn't there a passage in Valley of the Dolls where one character goes to a Swiss hospital  to be put to sleep for a month and wakes up skinny?

 Maybe I just made that up?  I haven't read the book in years.  To the archives!!

Anyhoo, as I was saying,  December is a most trying month for me.  My children go to a fabulous Episcopalian School, and my children just happen to be Jewish.  Every year I visit their classes and do an amazing schpiel about Hanukkah.  This year was no different.  In the span of two weeks I made two trips to school with homemade latkes, and ornate gift bags.  Because really, nothing says Hanukkah more than pencils with dreidels on them and blue fuzzy bears.

Did I mention El Rey, my husband, was in Las Vegas and NYC whilst I was frying up latkes?  Yes, El Rey was doing lord knows what when I was explaining the miracle of eight nights to school children.  And with a smile to boot.

Anything for the kids.  Anything for the kids who are beating each other up in the other room.

I also had to shop.  I hate to shop, which is odd since I create products I want people to buy.  But that's the way I was born.  But I braved the shops and I and got everyone on my list a present.  I accidentally bought a Chanel jacket for myself.

I only bought one and it was on sale!  But I deserve at least two.

Did you have a good holiday?  I know you did and I think you need to write those thank you notes on August Morgan Note Cards.

There are six designs.  Mix and match or whatever.

Writing thank you notes is actually one of my New Year's resolutions.  Instead of just composing them in my head and considering them sent.

What are your New Year's resolutions?  I am turning a landmark year and have vowed to get in better shape.  Just for that year, then I can go back to eating Tex Mex and watching endless hours of Law and Order.

 Sold August Morgan Pillow

That's a good New Year's resolution, don't you think?  I think I may have to accidentally buy these two bags as a reward :



Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I Don't Get Out of Bed for Less than Eight Dollars a Day

"I don't get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day, "
 Linda Evangelista

"I don't get out of bed for less than $8.00 a day."

Kate Hersch

"And this is my bed :"

Just kidding, it's not my bed but I kind of wish it were.

But it really only takes an eight dollar sale to make my day.  I am obviously easily amused.  Eight dollars is all one of my embroidered linen cocktail napkins costs.

I have a few new cocktail designs :

And there are more in the works, sister, so stay tuned!  Speaking of cocktails it is 5:03 and I must say sayonara!!

