I am winding down after a week at NY NOW, formerly the New York International Gift Fair. I just had a great lunch.
Love me some Fred's
My flight leaves in four hours, so lucky for you I have time to blog! What a long, strange trip it's been this winter gift show.
Last Friday morning I decided to go on a run before my flight to NYC. 'Twas a glorious morn in Austin. Tinkerbell and I hit the trail. We came to an eroded patch where I usually walk, but I was brazen and kept running. Lo and behold I slipped and broke my fall with my left elbow. On a rock. My elbow was split open. I will spare you the grisly details.
I was stitched up, prescibed pain medication (!) and made a later flight.
I became an expert on dressing wounds.....
The show opened on Sunday. Super Bowl Sunday. Yes. The day was slow as many people were gearing up for parties, and many people were coming in on Monday after the Super Bowl so the hotel rates would be lower.
Monday morning I woke up to this :
Snow. Polar Vortex. Whatever it was, flights were cancelled. Monday was slow but thank goodness for NY, CT, and NJ stores. I am so grateful for those sales!
Tuesday was a GREAT day for sales. The biggest hit were the boxes the cocktail napkins come in.
All sets of four cocktail napkins in every style come in this fabulous box.
Even if you order online.
The next day was an ice storm, which completed the trifecta. Truth be told, my sales were fine. I picked up new accounts and became better friends with my neighbor vendors at the show. Plus I helped my friends out by buying from them.
I am now ready to go home. Love on my family. Take off my fancy city clothes and change into a Mexican dress.
Fortunately I purchased some fancy city clothes for NY NOW in August!