Friday, April 25, 2014

Lest We Forget The Hipsters

Dear Readers :

Last I left you I swore off those online quizzes.  I slipped up.  I took one that measures how much of a hipster you are.  Answer : I am not a hipster.  Shocking but true.

I don't like crafted beer, beards, DIY projects, terrariums and the like but I don't hate them either.  And I respect people's rights to like those things.

One night in NYC many moons ago, my boyfriend at the time and I were walking from a dinner in Little Italy.  His friends were in town for the Hair Show.  They produced the black frocks you wear when at the salon.  In fact, earlier in the day I had been a last minute hair model on a revolving stage whilst getting my hair did.  But I digress.

Anyhoo, my boyfriend's friends treated us to a huge feast at an Italian restaurant complete with cannolis.  We couldn't eat another thing when they arrived, so they were wrapped up and forced on us in a to go box.

As we strolled down Mulberry Street we passed a scraggly young man.   We offered him our cannolis, which he accepted.  Seconds later he turned and said, "Hey, did you thing I was homeless?"  In fact we did.  Turns out he was not homeless he was a hipster.  Lesson learned, but cannolis shared.

I have created a napkin for those who think my napkins are too preppy for them :

Who doesn't love a mid century modern house cocktail napkin?

The set of four hand embroidered cocktail napkins come in the cute August Morgan box and retail for $32 and may be bought here.

"And just what are you, Missy" you may be thinking?  Answer : no clue.  Sometimes I feel preppy, sometimes I dress like a house bound invalid in a ratty Mexican dress (not in public).  If only there was a quiz to take online to tell me who I really am and what group I belong to!



*Although I am dressed like a Stepford Wife here I am rather liberal!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

What Kind of August Morgan Cocktail Napkin Are You?

Lately on Facebook people have been posting their results on various quizzes.  They range from "What Kind of Bird Are You?" to "What Color are You?".  I rarely take these quizzes but I did take the "What Character on Downton Abbey Are You?" and the results were infuriating.

Anna.  Anna?  The dowdy maid?  What?  Hell no!  I want to be one of the sisters, except for the dead one because she dies.  And she married the chauffeur which I'm not really into.  I would rather be Isis the family dog than Anna.

Anyhoo, I thought it would be fun to have a quiz that would decipher what kind of cocktail napkin you are but I have no clue how to even begin to do that.  I will instead read into what kind of person you are by the type of August Morgan cocktail napkin you most identify with.  FYI,  I am making this up as I go..........

The Classic Beauty

You are always well coiffed and are a sought after guest at parties.  You have a way with words   Drink of choice : Vodka Soda with a splash of lemon.

The Party Girl

The party doesn't officially start until you get there.  You may be from the South.  You have a wicked sense of humor and are a friend to all.  Drink of choice : Maker's Mark and whatever.

The Aesthete


You have the chicest house out of all your friends.  You have an encyclopedic knowledge of art history and architecture and design.  You are an expert at entertaining.  Drink of choice : white wine (doesn't stain).

I could go on and perhaps I will sometime.  My glass is empty and must be refilled.  What kind of August Morgan Napkin are you?  Do tell.

Oh and I have stopped taking those quizzes on Facebook.  The last one I took, "Which Mad Men Character are You," said I was Ken Cosgrove.  What?  Ken F%$#*ing Cosgrove??  I'm going to keep taking that quiz.  Until I get Betty.

