Friday, March 27, 2015

Movers and Shippers : August Morgan Bar Towels

Good Afternoon!

I am currently trapped in my house, as movers are packing and I must be around to answer questions.

Lucy is not amused

Tinkerbell, bless her, is clueless

We have laid in bed and watched hours of Law and Order and discussed my new needlepoint project.

It occured to us that I haven't yet blogged about my new August Morgan Bar Towels.  There are three styles that match August Morgan Cocktail Napkins.

The Bar Towels are a fabulous addition to any one's bar............

And pair beautifully with our cocktail napkins...................

Because Tinkerbell and I are feeling generous, we are offering free shipping on all August Morgan items.  Just type in the word MOVE at checkout.  You are welcome.  Now we must go back to our Law and Order marathon.

Have a great weekend!


Monday, March 23, 2015

High Ball Cocktail Napkins and the Animals of California

Dear Readers:

I have not blogged in MONTHS!  I apologize!  I have been rather busy.......remodeling a house,

children, children's sports,

throwing my daughter's Bat Mitzvah,

running August Morgan, children's sports, feeding children....... you get the picture.  So I am now trying to squeeze in a blog after Spring Break.  

Yes, I have returned from sunny California.  The Herschettes and I basically tagged along on my husband's business trip. The first stop was gorgeous Laguna Beach.

Whilst my husband worked, the kiddos and I played in the sun and surf.  My daughter and I paddle boarded in the ocean while my son took a surfing lesson.  I fell in the water and lost my Chanel sunglasses, but I also saw three dolphins. Yin and Yang,  or whatever.

Then we traversed on to LA.  I really do love that city.  So much to do!

 Me with Giant Sloth at the La Brea Tar Pits


Eat. Me with taco.

While I was at the resort pool in Laguna, a small child came up to me.  Blocking my direct sun, he informed me that there were sea lions sunning themselves on the beach.  I took him at his word and did not go see for myself as I had just consumed a concoction of watermelon juice and vodka and was not sure that my legs could work properly.

Well, I may have missed the sea lion, but I do have a a new cocktail napkin!

It's a seal, not a sea lion, but close enough.  What am I, a marine biologist?

The High Ball Cocktail Napkins come in the darling August Morgan gift box.

Have a great day!  I know I will because the children are in school!



Me with rabbits in Laguna.  They would arrive during cocktail hour.  Smart, smart animals.