Monday, March 23, 2015

High Ball Cocktail Napkins and the Animals of California

Dear Readers:

I have not blogged in MONTHS!  I apologize!  I have been rather busy.......remodeling a house,

children, children's sports,

throwing my daughter's Bat Mitzvah,

running August Morgan, children's sports, feeding children....... you get the picture.  So I am now trying to squeeze in a blog after Spring Break.  

Yes, I have returned from sunny California.  The Herschettes and I basically tagged along on my husband's business trip. The first stop was gorgeous Laguna Beach.

Whilst my husband worked, the kiddos and I played in the sun and surf.  My daughter and I paddle boarded in the ocean while my son took a surfing lesson.  I fell in the water and lost my Chanel sunglasses, but I also saw three dolphins. Yin and Yang,  or whatever.

Then we traversed on to LA.  I really do love that city.  So much to do!

 Me with Giant Sloth at the La Brea Tar Pits


Eat. Me with taco.

While I was at the resort pool in Laguna, a small child came up to me.  Blocking my direct sun, he informed me that there were sea lions sunning themselves on the beach.  I took him at his word and did not go see for myself as I had just consumed a concoction of watermelon juice and vodka and was not sure that my legs could work properly.

Well, I may have missed the sea lion, but I do have a a new cocktail napkin!

It's a seal, not a sea lion, but close enough.  What am I, a marine biologist?

The High Ball Cocktail Napkins come in the darling August Morgan gift box.

Have a great day!  I know I will because the children are in school!



Me with rabbits in Laguna.  They would arrive during cocktail hour.  Smart, smart animals.

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